Information On HEPA Air Purifiers And What They Can Do For Your Pad And Household

By Angela Frazie

The term HEPA seems to be everywhere nowadays. There are HEPA filter air purifiers, HEPA filter vacuum cleaners, HEPA air conditioner filters, the list goes on and on. But what, exactly, is HEPA, what does it mean, and how does it work? Let's examine the mighty HEPA air purifier, as well as other applications, to get a better understanding of this often used term.

Why is HEPA Capitalized?

Since HEPA is an acronym, it's written in all capital letters. Spelled out, HEPA means "high efficiency particulate absorbing". Some maintain that it really means "high efficiency particulate arrestance", which is probably more accurate. Explained in plain English, HEPA air purifiers absorb, or at least put a stop to particulate matter, which are tiny, fine particles of stuff in the air that the human eye usually can't see.

How Do HEPA Air Purifiers Help People?

Although HEPA air purifiers do clean pollen and dust out of the air, there are many more particles that are not natural to our environment, and that our human respiratory systems do not deal well with. Sometimes we can detect these other particles in the form of allergens and odors, sometimes we can't. Unfortunately, there are many pollutants that our bodies simply don't recognize and don't defend against, which leaves them to damage our lungs and other inner parts. Having a device that can either stop or absorb these dangerous particulates can definitely have a positive impact on one's health.

What Can HEPA Air Purifiers Do That Others Cannot?

Not all air purifiers are equal. Most entities that test any type of air purification device compare the results to "HEPA standards". This is because, for nearly half a century, this type of air filtration has been the absolute king. What makes the HEPA filter air purifiers so great, though, is their ability to stop particles 0.3 micrometers in diameter. This is not a random number or designation. It has been found that, when it comes to the human body, 0.3 micron particles are not only the most dangerous, but also among the hardest to filter.

Is There Really A Difference Between HEPA-Type And HEPA Air Purifiers?

A true HEPA air purifier is held to certain standards. Chief among these standards is the ability to filter at least 99.7% of all 0.3 micron particles that pass through the machine. This is an extremely lofty standard, and you can expect to pay a premium for this ability. Generally speaking, HEPA air purifiers are not cheap. A HEPA-type air purifier, however, is a completely different animal. It's important to realize that there is absolutely no standard whatsoever that a HEPA-type air purifier must pass. A machine with this designation could be anything from a less effective, less expensive alternative to a completely useless piece of junk. Also, be wary of putting too much trust in HEPA air purifier reviews. The best HEPA air purifier will not only produce clean smelling air, but it will also remove particulates that are not detectable with human senses alone. - 31822

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Sick Building Syndrome Look Into UV Furnace Filters

By Shaw U. Allard

As the fast and growing community develop, our mother Earth itself becomes less hospitable, and even more a dangerous to live for ourselves and our families. We are not even totally safe, immune and protected in our homes. 80% of the airs we breathe are unhealthy because it contains numerous air pollutants and contaminants due to cigarettes, germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and chemical gases. People of today may suffer dizziness, irritability, sneezing, depression, and coughing.

Scientists are now developing new ways to prevent illnesses due to air pollution. They found out that filtration itself does not lessen the air pollution and the negative effects and factors. Instead, filters only aid pathogens, like bacteria and molds, to even propagate, grow and even flourish. On the other hand, treatment and disinfectant via Germicidal Ultra-violet air clearly has demonstrated a means of avoiding the spread of infection, like measles, influenza, smallpox, and tuberculosis.

There are a lot of people experiencing what has come to be called "Sick Building syndrome". "SBS" has become termed as an illness mostly found on employees working in highly sealed air-conditioned modern office buildings, towers and skyscrapers. . However, SBS can be cured and even eliminated by the use and practice of UV light systems that are directly installed within in office ventilation systems.

Scientist believed that UVGI killed the bacteria and molds in ventilation systems. The cost of the system is cheap but the results are huge like reduction of sickness rates among employees. In addition, UVGI is not only a device to prevent air borne diseases; they can also help companies with air-conditioned systems to reduced cost in paying sick employees. This micro-organism fighting technology is recommended by several government and private agencies including the Centers of Disease Control, the Air Institute of Respiratory Education and the Air & Waste Management Association. This technology is usually used in many health care facilities to disinfect the air and medical equipment.

Embedding UV lights at home ventilation system is important. It will avoid spores and dust mites that can trigger asthma. Modern homes at Canada are now sealed to maintain heat, as well as electrical cost. Dust mites typically lie in beddings and hot water cleaning is the only way to eliminate them. On the other hand, embedding UV light on your ventilation system can aid in reducing asthma, plus a lesser energy cost used in washing beddings. UV light units have plastic case, UV tube, and light indicator. A durable gasket is included at the back of the base to avoid UV light to escape. UV light also has two light probes with different functionality. The longer probe is use to kill airborne microorganisms, while the other light tube is designed to prevent molds on air conditioner evaporator coils. Molds can affect smell on office or home ventilation system, and it can contribute to frequent occurrence of allergic reaction. UV lights last for three to four years. No matter what the cost, UV light has a huge contribution in family's health. - 31822

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Was The Ionic Breeze Air Purifier No More Than A Fabrication That Ultimately Killed The Sharper Image?

By Wilma Perkins

I'm sure we all remember the ads for the original Ionic Breeze air purifier. They could be found not only on TV, but also at Radio Shack and, if you could find one, retail stores owned by The Sharper Image. Then, poof, they disappeared, and so did The Sharper Image themselves. If you do some Googling, you'll find that people in general feel that The Sharper Image made lots of false claims about the Ionic Breeze. However, looking at reviews made by people who actually purchased the product, you'll hear all sorts of good stuff. So, let's compare the claims made by the ranting masses and media to what actually happened with the Ionic Breeze air purifier.

Ionic Breeze Air Purifiers Do Not Clean The Air As Well As HEPA Air Purifiers

The Sharper Image never claimed that the Ionic Breeze cleaned the air as well as True HEPA purifiers. Like good business people, they avoided the subject of efficiency altogether, for the most part. The stuff hit the fan when Consumer Reports said the Ionic Breeze silent air purifier cleaned only 30% of pollution out of the air. However, you have to consider that 100% of the polluted air will have to pass in and out of the machine quite a few times. Getting something 30% clean over and over again will, after time, get you almost to 100%. No, it's not as efficient, but one could say that ionic air purifiers, if given plenty of time, will do the job just as well as anything. They're also much cheaper to purchase, operate, and maintain. Also, don't forget that Consumer Reports only compared to True HEPA air purifiers as opposed to the much more common HEPA-type purifiers. HEPA-type air purifiers have no particular efficiency, while True HEPA machines are out of reach for many consumers.

The Ionic Breeze Actually Makes The Air Unhealthy

The idea is that the ionic air purifier produces a lot of ozone to clean the air of other pollutants. However, this isn't true. When people say this about ionic air purifiers, they are confusing them with ozone generators, which actually do clean the air in a similar manner. Even Consumer Reports agrees that the Ionic Breeze air purifier has no problem meeting HEPA guidelines for ozone. It's also worth noting that the Ionic Breeze air purifier actually passed all HEPA guidelines, with the notable exception of efficiency.

Some Say The Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Killed The Sharper Image

Although it wasn't sales figures that caused it directly, The Sharper Image filed for bankruptcy in 2008. As their once great, if finicky reputation had totally been trashed, and they were publicly traded, the prices of their stocks dropped to nothing almost overnight. True, the company had lots of debt, but they still claimed to have better than $50 million equity, without including cash on hand. This didn't convince their investors, though.

How Are Newer Ionic Air Purifiers Different?

Newer ionic air purifiers aren't significantly different from the original as the concept behind was not only simple, but effective, and wouldn't be easy to improve. Simply put, ionic air purifiers effectively, though slowly, clean air pollution just fine, and they do it quite cheaply. The original Ionic Breeze itself might be hard to find, but newer versions of it as well as the Ionic Pro air purifier and various generics are still easily obtainable. - 31822

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Preventing Asthma Attacks With Nutritional Supplements

By Kim Archer

In the United States alone there are over ten million people who are asthma sufferers, and many medical professionals regard asthma as an epidemic because it so rampant. Contact with noxious chemicals in the air and environmental pollution are usually held responsible for contributing to this disease. There's an increase in the number of people dying from asthma, primarily since the warning signs are being disregarded.

When an asthma attack is taking place, the lung's air passages begin to swell and exude mucus. Quickly they will begin to spasm. As the air passages get constricted, it gets more challenging to breathe. The most common symptoms of an asthma attack are wheezing, breathlessness, coughing, congestion, fever, pain and dry mouth.

Just about anything can trigger an asthma attack. The more usual triggers include allergies, an upper respiratory infection, stress, overexertion, or even a poor diet. Out of all the triggers, allergies tend to be the most frequent. By and large, asthma attacks are the outcome of contact with things such as smoke, pollen, gas odors, and even automotive exhaust. Foods can also trigger attacks, such as peanuts, corn, chocolate, and almost all dairy products. If you take any kind of antibiotics, tranquilizers, or hormones, it might induce an attack.

There are several mineral, vitamin, and herbal supplements that you can take to treat asthma. Among them, vitamin B is among the most effective. Vitamin B maintains a biochemical balance in the body and it can also minimize the severity of the attacks.

If you use vitamins A and E in concert they work together to defend your lungs from pollution. Additionally, big doses of Vitamin C are decidedly successful in combating asthma. Another effective treatment for improving breathing and assisting with bronchial responses is gingko biloba. Odorless garlic is also a great option. The anti-inflammatory characteristics of this supplement lower the threat of suffering an asthma attack.

If you believe you may have asthma, see your doctor right away to get tested. Until then, eat a diet high in protein with plenty of vegetables and fruits and avoid known triggers.

Even though an asthma attack can be quite distressing, there are choices available to help keep it from overtaking your life. If you've been confirmed to have asthma by a doctor, ask plenty of questions and discover what you should be doing to manage your condition.

It is possible to avert an asthma attack, so there is no reason for it to keep you from the activities you enjoy. It can generally be controlled even if it does slow you down for a period of time. - 31822

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How To Improve Your Winter Home Air Quality

By Rob Airman

With the arrival of winter comes the difficulty of keeping your home clean and fresh air circulating. Your home air quality suffers during the wintertime. Each person and pet living in your house is affected by the diminished air quality and asthma sufferers experience increased symptoms during this time.

However, there are some steps you can take will reduce the amount of dust and dirt in the air of your home. This article will provide some detail about how to make your home air quality better and help you to realize how important it is.

First of all, you can increase the humidity. Heating your home in the winter drives down the moisture in the air, and this does a number of things to the quality. The dry air will dry out dust, pet pander, and every other minute particle on your carpets and floors, and cause these particles to get airborne. This means you can breathe these particles and that is not good for you. Adding a humidifier will help keep those particles out of the air.

Opening your windows periodically during the winter will also help to improve the air quality in your home. Granted you will not want to keep them open, but for a few minutes every few days would allow some fresh air to circulate through the home. Some studies suggest that our homes are much too airtight. The quality of the air suffers for this. By opening your windows for a few minutes periodically, you can let in fresh oxygen and let out radon. Of course, you want to hope that you do not have radon, but that is another subject entirely.

Getting an air purifier is the best way to improve your home air quality. Air purifiers are no longer the loud blowing equipment that seemed only to blow the dust around your home. HEPA filters or High Efficiency Particulate Filters can drastically reduce the amount of airborne particles in your home. If you have pets, then that is even more of a reason to buy a home air cleaner and run it a good portion of the day. These air purifiers are able to remove particles that are 0.3 Microns or larger. This is far smaller than the size of most bacteria and viruses floating around in the air.

Winter can add a lot to the cleaning chores around the home, and home air quality can suffer. Be advised that you can do some things to improve it, though. Open the windows and let fresh air in, humidify the the dry air, and use a home air purifier to filter the air. - 31822

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How to Use Herbal Remedies for Asthma

By Andrew Vargas

All asthma sufferers can commiserate with the feeling of helplessness that can be brought on by an asthma attack. When I continued to struggle with my asthma even after the doctors has tried multiple medications and therapies on me, it was obvious that I needed to start doing my own research and find a method of treatment that would work for me. This is when I discovered asthma herbal remedies.

Anyone who has dealt with asthma for any length of time is familiar with the different medications that are supposed to help. Now, these medications are helpful for some, but others do not get relief or if they get relief, it can come at a great cost. For example, I've had times in my life when my asthma was being treated with three different medications at the same time, a steroid, an inhaler and allergy medication. I can tell you this really messed with my brain. I finally called a stop to the madness when I realized that my memory was failing me. And I mean really failing me. I would be driving down the road and not remember how I got to where I was. That was pretty scary!

Using asthma herbal remedies has been my own little miracle. I feel like the treatments are so gentle and the herbs work with my body, not against it. It has been my experience and the experience of countless others that asthma herbal remedies, if used consistently, can vastly improve your quality of life because asthma will no longer be an uncontrollable factor in your life.

One of the first things I discovered in my research is that there is actually a way to clean your blood with herbs. Now, I'm into cleaning so this really peaked my interest. Many things can be helped and alleviated with cleaning your blood which is like detoxing. Asthma can often be controlled by getting on an herbal regimen that will cleanse your blood. If you think about it, this really makes sense because if your body is busy trying to work with "dirty" blood, it won't be able to fight effectively against the things that trigger your asthma.

There are two types of asthma herbal remedies to try; herbal combinations and single herbs. Herbal combinations, or herb combos as I like to call them, are simply two or more herbs used together. When you make an herb combo simply mix them together and run the herbs through a coffee grinder. This breaks down the herbs enough to fit into a gel capsule. Gel capsules are nice because you won't have to taste the herb or try to mix them in a juice or some type of drink.

Using single herbs has the obvious benefit of being less expensive because you only need to purchase one herb. If you are new to asthma herbal remedies, I suggest you start with one herb such as alfalfa. Alfalfa is great for allergies and because asthma can often be triggered by allergies, this herb goes a long way in relieving asthma. To use alfalfa simply run it through a coffee grinder and put it in gel capsules for easy swallowing. You can also add the alfalfa powder to green smoothies, tea, or any drink you would like.

It really was a relief to use asthma herbal remedies and get off some of the prescription medications I was taking. Obtaining gentle and effective asthma relief truly is a blessing and I can guarantee you won't regret looking into alternative methods of treating your asthma. - 31822

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True HEPA Air Purifers Are Actually Much Better

By Heath Plunger

Items advertised as "True" HEPA air purifiers are often available when one is shopping about for a HEPA air purifier. Considering something is being labeled as true must mean there as some out there that are false, correct? You will not find any labeled "sub-standard", "false" or any other such derogatory adjective. True HEPA air purifiers are simply comparing themselves to other systems and then leaving it up to the consumer to know what they need and how it will affect them. This article looks at what comparisons the "True" HEPA air purifiers are making.

Differences! True HEPA Air Purifiers Have Them

A True HEPA air purifier, also known as an absolute HEPA air purifier, is different even from other HEPA air purifiers. When companies reference the effectiveness of HEPA air purifiers as stated by government entities such as the EPA and OSHA, they are generally referring to the True type, even if they do not blatantly say so. Although there are other types of air purifiers out there, True HEPA air purifiers are the only ones that are used in sensitive areas such as hospitals and laboratories.

Particles! True HEPA Air Purifiers Stop Them

70 to 100 microns of thickness is the typical human hair. Consider how small 0.3 micron particles must be, then consider that although they must be tiny the true HEPA air purifier must be able to filter out at least 97 percent of particles that size to qualify. Although this may sound very technical, keep in mind it is actually a very important consideration. Particles of this size are the hardest to filter, even the smaller ones are easier to filter out. 0.3 microns are small enough in size to bypass the human body's defenses to get into the respiratory system and cause many illnesses. Thus, it is important that the true HEPA air purifiers be able to filter these tiny particles.

True HEPA Air Purifiers Actually Work Better When Dirty

This part of our discussion is where you will see both the main difference between true HEPA air purifiers and others and also where the terms "Absolute" and "True" become one and the same. Designed to be more effective dirty than when clean, the absolute filtration system's trapped particles will actually increase the power of the true HEPA air purifier's filtration. Very simple in reality, the explanation is that the spaces for the the air to pass becomes smaller as the dirt builds up.

How Do I Know If It's A True HEPA Air Purifier?

Look for products that actually advertise that they are True HEPA air purifiers. The alternative is the HEPA-type air purifier, which is really just an imitation, and is not held to any particular standard. If you find a purifier that doesn't say either HEPA-type or True HEPA, you can also reference other specifications on the box. Look for one that filters 97% or more of the 0.3 micron particles if you want a True HEPA air purifier. - 31822

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Can You Still Purchase An Ionic Air Purifier From Anywhere?

By Irene Polaski

Some folks will remember The Sharper Image, along with their infomercials and retail stores in some of the more populous areas. Since those stores closed, though, a lot of people believe ionic air purifiers are things of the past. This is just not true, even if ionic air purifiers with the name "The Sharper Image" on them are no longer obtainable as new. However, if you do want an ionic air purifier, there are a few different options for you to explore.

Consider The Ionic Pro

The apparent usurper of the ionic throne, the Ionic Pro is very similar to the old Ionic Breeze, although it's much, much less expensive. There's no increased maintenance from the Ionic Breeze. All you have to do is yoink the magnetic filter bar thingy, wipe it off, and put it back in. That's it; no filters or anything. Also, since it doesn't use a fan, it's both quiet and cheap to run, especially in comparison to a HEPA air purifier, though most say it is less effective. If your main goal is a cheap, silent way to purify the air in a 500 foot or less room, you might want to check out the Ionic Pro.

Generic Ionic Air Purifiers

Then there's the ionic air purifiers that have no branding at all. You can generally find them on various websites, as well as brick and mortar bargain stores for about a hundred or so dollars. The fact that they are not branded does not mean they don't work, but you will probably have to depend on the store you bought it from if you want to claim on a warranty. Still, considering the technology that drives ionic air purifiers is fairly simple, the off brands are probably at least mostly safe.

Noisy Ionic Air Purifiers

In general, an ionic air purifier won't use a fan. It uses the constant motion of air particles being magnetically attracted to move the air and generate a light breeze. However, the only ionic air purifier to receive approval from Consumer Reports did come equipped with a fan. Although this may defeat the purpose for some, those who don't care too much about the sound might prefer these more effective ionic air purifiers. After all, there's still the advantage of decreased, filter free maintenance.

Buying A HEPA Air Purifier Instead

There's also the ever present HEPA air purifiers. HEPA and Ionic air purifiers promise much of the same results, but work very differently. If you own a HEPA air purifier, you will occasionally have to purchase filters. There's no worries about filter replacement with ionic air purifiers, though, since all you have to do is wipe all the offending pollutants straight off the static bar. HEPA air purifiers, however, have been consistently shown to be more effective than ionic air purifiers. - 31822

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How Do Air Purifying Machines Function?

By Manuel Vintagoli

There are more and more people that are developing allergies and asthma thanks to the high amount of allergens that float around in the air. One of the ways that you can protect your family from illness is by purchasing air purifiers to remove pollutants.

Things that float around in the air such as germs, bacteria, viruses, molds, hair, skin particles, pollen, dust and pet hair can all trigger asthma attacks and allergy outbreaks. The air born germs can also make even the healthiest person sick. An air purifier can remove many of the potential dangers from the air making it cleaner to breathe.

The way that air purifiers can remove allergens from the air is through use of filters, ozone or electrical attraction. Purifiers that work with filters pass the air through sieve like things that catch the germs and trap them there. High quality filters can clean the air up to six times in an hour, which ensures the healthiness of the room.

Purifiers using attraction to pull air into the purifier catching the allergenic contaminants and remove them from the air. Three different types of attraction purifiers called: electrostatic precipitating cleaners, electret filters, and negative ion generators. Some of these can be considered better than others as well as having designs that might suit some people better than others.

An electrostatic cleaner attracts particles and then charges them with high powered wires, this changes the electrical charge of the air particles and eradicates contaminants. While these purifiers can be very effective replacement parts may be costly. A electret filter works by using static charge to draw in the pollutants using synthetic fibers. The pollutants are then collected and stored in metal trays, which need to be washed and allowed to air dry from tie to time. These types of purifiers are very effective, but can require more maintenance than electrostatic cleaners.

Ionic air purifiers send negatively charged ions into the air in a room. These ions attract irritants and pollutants and they are gathered together into larger groups of mass which cannot float in the air and sink to the floor. They can then be vacuumed or dusted up. The third type of machine that uses ozone is actually not recommended by the American Environmental Protection Agency. Ozone can actually irritate the lungs and have negative health effects even though it is present in nature sometimes in small amounts. It is best to avoid these products as they could end up making your allergies or asthma worse.

Buying a purifier that has HEPA filters is a great idea since these are required to meet regulations and standards. This means that an air purifier that meets standards is likely to be more effective than one that has not been put through the same rigorous testing methods.

An air purifier can be an effective method at making the air your breathe safer and reduce the effect of allergens that can cause health problems and illness. If you or your family suffer from allergen related illness, then you should probably consider getting an air purifier to cleanse your home environment and make it safer for everyone. - 31822

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Types, Causes and Prevention of Asthma

By Henry Lewis

Asthma is a disorder impacting on the airways of the lungs. Replying to certain triggers the mucous surfaces of the lungs of a patient swell up causing the bronchial tubes to go into spasm. This makes breathing complicated. The muscles may tighten up and inappropriate mucus might be produced leading to trouble breathing and panting. Unlike any other respiration conditions like protracted bronchitis and obstructive pulmonary illness, the redness due to asthma is reversible and often replies well to medicine.

There are basically two types of asthma:

1. Intrinsic - occurring as a consequence of an infection or later in life.

2. Extrinsic - due to allergies.

Common allergens include several food types which can result in an immediate asthmatic response. These include seafood, nuts and eggs. While other foods such as wheat, chocolate and certain food coloring and additives may result in a delayed response. Asthma may also be triggered by allergy to dust mites, pollen, dust, insect sprays or other pollutants.

The degree of seriousness of asthma varies widely, with some patients suffering only occasional symptoms while others can have a continued underlying level of soreness and consequent impairment of respiring.

Signs of lingering underlying asthma include difficulty breathing during exercise, chronic cough and the repeated urge to clear the throat, tightness of chest and puffing. Exacerbation of asthma may lead to what's generally known as an asthma attack. In this example the patient experiences trouble breathing even during rest, fast heart beat, panting and chest constriction, rhonchus or loud respiring and coughing. Depending on seriousness of the assault air intake be could be so proscribed the patient may turn blue and even lose consciousness.

Information about causes and the development of asthma is far from complete. However, studies seem to suggest that it is closely linked with the body's immune responses. Incidence is known to vary significantly between racial groups, affluent and poorer areas of the world and also based on environmental factors etc. Studies have shown links with the following:

Exposure to tobacco smoke seems to be related to higher prevalence of asthma

Kids born through caesarean section have noticeably higher degrees of asthma than those born by vaginal delivery. It is said this is due to various levels of bacterial exposure during delivery and it's result on development of the immune response.

Raised levels of environmental contaminants have also been associated with higher incidence.

Stress has for a while been suspected of causing asthma. It is supposed that stress may affect the working of the immune mechanism and thus indirectly influence the prevalence of asthma.

Regular exposure to antibiotics especially at an early age as well as growing up in an excessively hygienic environment, in other words not being exposed to the usual childhood respiratory infections etc may actually leave the immune system compromised and lead to greater likelihood of developing asthma. On the other hand evidence suggests that children who grow up in larger families and are exposed to the usual childhood illnesses are more resilient when it comes to keeping asthma at bay.

Treatment and control over asthma may involve one or two approaches including life changes, medicine and diet changes and include :

Getting shot of or reducing exposure to the trigger factors in the the environment or diet.

Giving up smoking and avoiding exposure to second hand smoke.

Reducing or eliminating dairy products from diet as dairy products promote the production of mucus.

Medicine including short term or long-term Bronchodilator might be used to handle bronchospasms associated with asthma.

Vitamin C and Cod liver oil could also be used to reduce seriousness of reactions and redness. - 31822

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Methods To Get Rid Of Asthma

By Jamie Sue Tan

The truth is no one can get rid of asthma. It is a chronic disease; meaning it is long-lasting. If there are people who have "outgrown" asthma, chances are that they really never had real asthma, or it is going to recur later in their lives. At the moment, there is no cure for asthma. Advances in science and medical technology have only provided treatments. Various effective medicines have been produced. A lot of methods have been developed to help asthmatics deal with their condition.

While there is on cure for asthma, asthmatics can only turn to control. Fortunately, science not only developed medicines for relieving asthma attacks, but for preventing them as well. This is the essence of asthma control. Having total control allows you to live your life without worrying when the next asthma attack occurs. Of course, this does not mean you can put yourself in the middle of different asthma triggers. Achieving total control can take a long time. This requires perseverance, patience, and resilience as it requires you to understand everything about your asthma and your triggers. You're going to need to stick to your medication long enough until you achieve control.

Along with your regular medication there are therapies and exercises which are safe to try and can work really well in handling your asthma. Practices like Buteyko, Papworth and Pranayama are some of the exercises which have their share of clinical trials just to prove that they indeed work. Aside from these three there are actually a lot of other techniques that you might want to try out. Just remember to do some research first and ask your doctor about it if still in doubt. They will be able to give you valuable bits of information and advice.

There are a lot of alternative medications and home remedies out there claiming to be effective against asthma. Be careful when choosing these as most of them have not been clinically approved. For instance, most herbal medication have not passed FDA standards, and may have adverse side effects. Some, however, are a lot safer. Included are coffee, honey, and ginger. Once again, try to do your homework since not all herbal medication or alternative treatments are dangerous.

Controlling your asthma is not a joke. It can take a lot of time and effort before any improvement can be seen. Live your life as healthy as you can. A lot of people have learned to control their asthma. You can too. - 31822

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Effective Asthma Herbal Remedies

By Johnny Star

The increasing number of herbal remedies is both good and bad news to the consuming public. The good news is, there are more choices for individuals, and the prices will go down because of the competition. The bad news is, the large number of new products makes it difficult to tell which ones are effective and which one are to be avoided. The slightest miscalculation of the formula in herbal medicines and the confusion with the name (since Chinese give similar sounding names to different products) can result in a poisoned asthmatic.

While the herbal remedies indeed promotes physical well being and strengthens immunity, more and more cases of hospital admissions are being observed due to the side effects. These cases have scarred the image of herbs in the western world. It would be unfair to generalize as some herbal products actually can help you achieve the long term relief and control that you desperately wanted. Here are a few examples of those proven safe and effective asthma herbal remedies:

Cayenne pepper: Cayenne pepper is more known as a cooking ingredient to chefs and a condiment to eaters. It is actually one of the oldest members of the herb kingdom. Cayenne contains capsaicin which helps break down mucus in the lungs and prevents inflammation. If you have to make just a single choice with alternative treatments for asthma, you can't go wrong with cayenne.

Ginger: Ginger is one of the most common and widely used herbal remedy on the planet. Also considered by a lot of people to be more of an ingredient rather than herbal medication, ginger has in fact been used by people in India and most parts of Asia in treating various illnesses including asthma. Scientists have also found evidence to support the effectiveness of ginger in treating a wide range of medicinal actions. Ginger's active chemical ingredients can act as an expectorant and bronchodilator during attacks bringing relief quicker and safer even if taken together with your conventional rescue/relief medication.

Chamomile: The extracts known as terpenoids found in chamomile have been known to possess anti-inflammatory properties and can help you avoid further prevent bronchial problems due to the massive amounts of anti oxidants that it contains. You've probably already heard about this since the most popular form of chamomile is tea. Taken daily, chamomile will help you avoid attacks by strengthening your body's natural immune system, not to mention it's very affordable and delicious too.

Man is always afraid of something they don't understand. A lot of alternative treatments are shown to work but are not readily explained by science. Still, science doesn't count them as credible. Herbal remedies are not always dangerous, especially if you know what you're doing. Do a little research, and you will find the herbal remedies that are just for you. - 31822

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Get the Asthma Information You Need to Manage Your Condition

By Kim Archer

If you suffer from asthma, you'll need to know how to recognize and treat this condition. It's not an uncommon condition by any means. Asthma affects one out of every twenty people; one in ten children are asthmatic. If left untreated, it can be fatal. Your doctor will be able to give you more asthma information and tell you how to prevent an attack, but it's important you learn as much as you can about this potentially deadly condition.

The tightening of airways, or bronchoconstriction, is a key feature of asthma. This happens when the muscles that surround the throat and airways tighten, resulting in air not being able to easily pass through. The chest feels as if it's beginning to tighten and the individual has the sensation of not being able to breathe in and out. Other symptoms include wheezing and coughing. This condition can create a number of troubling problems if the airway becomes completely blocked. Therefore, if left untreated, it becomes a life threatening issue.

In asthmatics, the airways react to environmental issues like smoke or pollen. These environmental stimuli create problems for asthmatics, as they are extremely sensitive to them. It's possible that the spasms and airway narrowing will resolve itself in around 1 or 2 hours. In about half of the asthma sufferers, it may come as a later response, about 3 up to 12 hours later, accompanied by more inflammation and constriction of the airways. Bronchoconstriction will respond to deep breathing in mild cases after about a minute to a minute and a half.

One of the safest and most effective drugs for asthmatic individuals is Propofol. It can also be a good choice for anesthesia induction in individuals who have a history of symptoms but are not currently having active attacks. This drug decreases the resistance in the respiratory system and could even prevent the spasms in the bronchus that be caused by blockage in the airways.

If you are trying to manage your allergy asthma daily, you may need to take leukotriene modifiers, which help to consistently make breathing easier by regulating the size of the airways and reducing mucus. Since allergy and asthma sometimes go together, leukotriene modifiers will help to ease the discomfort of coming in contact with certain allergens, such as dust and mold as well. - 31822

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Asthma Exacerbation: Why Inhalers Work Best

By Jamie Sue Tan

Asthma is the long-lasting respiratory condition where the lungs become inflamed, and the airways narrowed. The airway constriction causes shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, coughing, and wheezing. There is a misconception, though, that wheezing is always present during asthma attacks. That is false. Wheezing is present in mild to acute asthma, but absent in more severe cases due to the little amount of airflow.

Asthma has a steady state. In this steady state, the asthmatic can continue living a normal life. Occasional nighttime coughing may occur, but nothing that an inhaler cannot take care of. But asthma, when left unchecked, gets worse without being known. The asthmatic may feel perfectly fine without realizing that the airways are starting to constrict; inhaling airborne irritants speeds up the process of asthma exacerbation.

Asthma triggers include smoke, dust, pollen, strong odors, fumes, and molds. Most of these can be avoided. But there is always a time where exposure to these triggers is unavoidable. This brings about an asthma attack. Symptoms of an asthma attack are more severe than those in its steady state. Wheezing is most likely to be present in this state as well as in other more severe states.

The exacerbation of asthma is where the narrowing of airways occurs. Asthma attacks happen anywhere. To relieve the asthma episodes, inhalers are frequently used. These inhalers contain and deliver fast-acting bronchodilators. Bronchodilators are substances which relax the airways; widening them as the words bronchi and dilate imply. This brings breathing back to normal for the asthmatic.

Fast-acting bronchodilators are often delivered as aerosol, powder, or mist. They are more popular in those forms than pills. This is because inhaling the medication allows it to target the lungs directly. Even hospitals use bronchodilator-based nebulizers to ease the symptoms of severe asthma attacks. For this reason, inhalers are often referred to as the asthmatics best friend. - 31822

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