Considering Hunter HEPA Air Purifiers To See If They Are The Fitting Choice For Your Situation And Your Family

By Arwyn Yelf

There's a bunch of companies that are making things with HEPA labeling on them. There are all sorts of products out there ranging from HEPA vacuum cleaners to HEPA air conditioner filters, and you can generally find many of them in any retail department outlet. With all the different manufacturers that use this term, it's sometimes difficult to know what you need to be looking for when buying a HEPA air purifier. Let's examine Hunter HEPA air purifiers to see if they're your best choice.

A Quick Background Of Hunter

Hunter is certainly not a new name on the marketplace. Nowadays, the products that they manufacture require electricity for operation, but Hunter was innovating even before electricity was commonplace. The first product that they created and distributed, way back in the late 1800s, was a water-driven ceiling fan. How innovative is that? Electric thermostats and electric ceiling fans are their mainstay now. And obviously HEPA air purifiers.


There are three groups Hunter HEPA air purifiers. HEPAtech purifiers are the bargain basement of air purifiers. As of this writing, they are no longer being made, but are still available as new from quite a few retail outlets. If you're looking for a cheap HEPA air purifier with a proven name, then Hunter's HEPAtech is definitely the way to go. As with all HEPA filter air purifiers, you will have to change the HEPA filter occasionally. Many Hunter HEPA air purifiers are actually cheaper than the replacement filters of their competing devices. Hunter's replacement filters are also quite reasonable, and generally come in packs. Their current series, the QuietFlo, are also very aggressively priced.

Almost All Hunter's Are True HEPA Air Purifiers

Excepting the old HEPAtech purifiers, every one of Hunter's machines are a true HEPA air purifier. The fact that they are true indicates that they will filter at least 99.7% of those air particles that have been shown to be the most dangerous. HEPA air purifiers without the "true" label aren't held to specific standards, which means they could, theoretically, not filter air in any way. That doesn't mean every HEPA-type machine is total trash, but you're totally dependent on the quality control of the manufacturer.

What Makes Hunter Different?

Hunter HEPA air purifiers stand out in a couple of ways. First, there's the low price. Like mentioned earlier, if you compare a Hunter HEPA air purifier with a similar device from a competitor, the Hunter will likely be less expensive. The other obvious difference are the features. Although not the most cutting edge, Hunter does include most of the tried and true features, and their models are quite scalable. For instance, in the current QuietFlo series, you have more than a dozen models to choose from, differentiated mostly by the feature sets, meaning you won't have to pay for what you're not going to use. Can we say that Hunter makes the best HEPA air purifier out there? When it comes to value, probably. - 31822

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Ionic Pro Compact Air Purifier

By Irene Polaski

If you're looking at ionic air purifiers, then you've certainly seen the Ionic Pro air purifier. Even if you're not looking to buy one, you've probably seen the Ionic Pro Ionic Air Purifier on TV at some point. They seem to have taken the infomercial crown from The Sharper Image, at least when it comes to ionic air purifiers. You've probably also seen all the negative publicity that has assailed the Ionic Breeze air purifiers, and are wondering if the same applies to this newer player.

Who Makes The Ionic Pro Air Purifier?

The Ionic Pro Air Purifier is built and sold by a company named Ionic Pro, LLC. They're not owned, in part or whole, by another company. Actually, until recently, they had sold the Ionic Pro air purifier only on TV. Now, though, you can find these all over the place, Wal-mart included. That this company only makes air purifiers can be seen in a few different ways. Logically, as they only make various sizes of the Ionic Pro Air Purifier, they would easily be able to make a high quality product. Of course, being so small would make it easy for them to vanish as well.

Compared Against The Ionic Breeze Air Purifier

Ionic Pro air purifiers have all the same advantages of the Ionic Breeze Air Purifier. The biggest, and sometimes only difference, is the shape and design of the machines themselves. The Ionic Pro Compact Air Purifier is about the same size as some of the smaller Ionic Breeze machines. The Ionic Pro is generally bit cheaper, though. Since ionic air purifiers aren't terribly complicated devices, it's probably safe to go as cheap as you can find.

Compared Against HEPA Air Purifiers

The comparison between HEPA air purifiers and ionic air purifiers is not as simple as you might think. Ionic air purifiers do roughly the same job as a true HEPA air purifier, just not quite as efficiently. They make up for this by silently running 24 hours a day while using very little power. In addition, there are no filters to change, only a bar to wipe off every week or so. HEPA air purifiers are limited by their filter element. They stop what cannot physically pass through that filter. With a true HEPA air purifier, that's 99.7% of the most dangerous particles. With a HEPA-type air purifier, there's no standard at all. Ionic air purifiers all work the same, and are limited only by how much air they can move. Since they electronically attract particles, they will eventually clean the air of just about everything, while a HEPA-type air purifier will never catch whatever passes through the holes. Keep that in mind when comparing. The ionic air purifier is limited to particles that are 1 micron or bigger, though. True HEPA air purifiers stop particles that are 0.3 microns in size, which are proven to be some of the worst on the human respiratory system.

The Ionic Pro Compact Air Purifier Compared Against The Other Ionic Pro Air Purifiers

The differences between the various ionic air purifiers offered by Ionic Pro, LLC aren't generally feature related. Capacity is the biggest difference between them. In small offices and rooms in your home, the Ionic Pro Compact Air Purifier is a good buy. It does lack the "Medium" speed on its fan, utilizing a Lo and High only, although I have no idea why you wouldn't want it on high. At about half the price of the standard unit, it may even make sense to purchase an Ionic Pro Compact Air Purifier for each side of a regular sized room, instead of one standard unit. - 31822

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